Aromatic Garden at Vida’s
Fragrant gardens and fragrant old roses, with a view of Maribor and Pohorje

Old roses

Over 30 varieties of fragrant old roses, from smaller shrubs to the huge climbers

Stories by the fire

We tell stories by the fire, as our ancestors used to do in the evenings

We grow together

Produce your own essential oils and hydrosols from herbs in Aromatic Garden

How our garden was created
The Herb garden at Vida’s was started in 2018. At the beginning, we didn’t actually plan any particular garden configuration, we just wanted to grow enough herbs to distill our own essential oils. We were looking for a location that would be close, pristine and accessible. We were lucky enough to spot the right place at Vida Fugina’s in Srednje. Vida immediately understood our connection to herbs since she herself has high affinity for plants and is an excellent culinary chef using herbs in preparing her dishes. We have been given a wonderful piece of land that has been waiting for us untouched for the past 15 years.
In a place at the altitude of 450 meters, with an exceptional view over Maribor, we started creating our garden. The place was too beautiful not to create something special. The initial simple blueprint for garden beds was turned into a herbal park, where herbal beds connect with meandering sandy paths. We organised the garden in the shape of a flower – ordinary rectangular garden beds would simply discredit this special place. In order to preserve the rustic character, the garden beds were encompassed with the beams of the chestnut tree from the nearby forest.

We found two energy potent points in the garden. They are now both dedicated to something special: on a smaller one we set up a rustic wooden swing, and on the larger one we plan to build a wooden shed where distillery demonstrations will take place. We wish the healing energy of the location be incorporated into our essential oils and hydrosols that are being processed on that very place.
We have grown most of our herb seedlings in rather improvised conditions in our living room and attic. The seedlings so raised were not as perfect as those one can see in garden nurseries. They were tiny but very healthy and real fighters! Already in the first season they grew into a lush carpet like formation.
Since Eva is a big fan of old varieties of roses, herbs in the garden are now being surrounded by these fragrant flowers. In a year or two they will give a special accent to the herbs. We are very much looking forward to it. The smell of roses will so harmoniously complement the scent of herbs that is already pleasantly filling our nostrils as we stroll the winding paths of the Herb garden.
What is going on in the garden...

The Herb garden at Vida’s is open to all who are interested in herbs and their upbringing, herb distillation, essential oils and aromatherapy. We want to share with you our experience, dreams and plans that never run out…
In the Herb garden we therefore offer:
- guided tours of the garden for groups of up to 20 people
- demonstrations of distillation and the use of plants in the garden itself or indoor close by
- lectures and socialising in a unique amphitheatre built in the garden
- various events carried out in the garden
- events accompanied by a culinary treat in cooperation with Vida Fugina and the tourist farm Žunko, which also offers accommodations
We adapt to your individual wishes as for the time and purpose of the visit. Welcome to contact us at
We tell stories around the fire

We remember storytelling mostly from our childhood. At that time we were learning from stories, developing our imagination and forming deep emotional ties with the story-teller who was usually one of our close family members. What beautiful memories we keep of our grandmothers, parents and aunts reading stories!
The old people were always aware of the importance and the power of stories, so growing up they did not forget them. In the evenings, when there were no chores left to do, they sat together by the fire and shared stories. Yes, there was no TV or computer back then, but who says it was boring! Therefore, for all of you who appreciate tradition and nature we are reviving the habit of storytelling around the fire – in an intimate outdoor amphitheatre in our Herb garden with a beautiful view of Maribor, of course taking place in the warmer part of the year.
The idea is very simple – stories are told by you or by us. Our storytellers are professionals, but we would like you tell stories, too. Topics can be very different. We like to laugh with funny ones, learn from those originating in historical events, compare different cultures… After each story, we leave some time to discussion, comments, and believe us, laughter and bright ideas are always there.
Contact us and we will inform you about the dates of these events.
Let's grow and distill herbs together
Community work as a way of a future sustainable and long-term cooperation is something that we believe in and practice.
Here is how we see it:
- We invite you to volunteer in our Herb garden. If you enjoy spending time in beautiful nature, like working the land, love the smell of herbs and are good with your hands, you are sincerely welcome. On more than 3,000 square meters, good hands are always wanted.
- You can choose with which plant you want to work. As a reward for your help you will receive essential oil and hydrosol of the selected plant. Locally grown, completely pristine, natural and with a pinch of your own energy – of invaluable therapeutic value.
- You will be able to be with us at all stages of the production and distillation process of the selected plant – from harvesting and cleaning the herbs to filling the distiller and at the end bottling the oil. If you choose so, of course.
- Working in the herbal garden has also therapeutic effects. Imagine yourself for hours in touch with for example peppermint herb and its scent… Believe it, it shows on the well-being and the good mood.
- You will be able to join us at various events and gatherings that we will organise in the garden, for example evenings around the fire, workshops, garden tours…
- At the beginning of the cooperation, we will agree on the expected quantity of hours of your work and the dates. Of course, we will be flexible.
Contact us and we will be happy to discuss the details!